How to borrow in rentolf?2022-04-05T10:27:14+08:00

3 Steps to Borrow an item
Easy, Safe and Convenient

Browse & Borrowing

You can explore the users’ uploaded items in different categories and pay to borrow.


Pickup / Receive the items and use it during the rental period.


Finally, you return the item to the host and complete the process.

Key Features to Support Borrowing

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I do after submitted the borrowing request?2022-02-01T00:55:10+08:00

After submitted the borrowing request, you may start your rental processes. (more…)

How to search the items?2022-02-01T01:00:59+08:00

You can use our search function to search the items that you want. (more…)

How to create an account in Rentolf?2022-01-30T08:56:07+08:00

It is easy to create an account in Rentolf for borrowing items. (more…)

How to change the default language?2022-01-30T08:47:27+08:00

You can change the default language in our APP and web plaform. (more…)

How to borrow an item?2022-01-30T08:36:03+08:00

After registered your account, you can borrow the item from the hosts / lenders. You can browse the items by categories and collections. (more…)

How to update your personal information?2022-01-30T08:22:39+08:00

You can change the personal information (e.g. Name, Gender, Newsletter preference, etc) in your account settings.


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