After registered your account, you can borrow the item from the hosts / lenders. You can browse the items by categories and collections.

Mobile Platform

  1. Select an item that you want to borrow.
  2. You can browse the images of the item in the product detail.
  3. You can also browse the product description, delivery method, pickup / return location, map address detail, delivery cost, review and rating, etc in the product detail.
  4. At the bottom of the product detail, you will see the rental fee and the deposit.
  5. The host / lender may set the additional terms and conditions of the product rental.
  6. You need to read and agree the terms and conditions from the host / lender.
  7. Press “Book Now” button.
  8. On the next screen, you need to select the rental date, qty and pickup and return method.
  9. You should check the rental fee, shipping cost and deposit detail here.
  10. If the rental fee, shipping cost and deposit is fine, press “Continue” button.
  11. On the next screen, you need to fill in the billing and shipping address.
  12. If you choose self-pickup and return, you cannot fill in the shipping address.
  13. Press “Checkout” button.
  14. On the next screen, you need to check all the information that you filled in.
  15. If it is no problem, you can press “Checkout”.
  16. Afterward, Rentolf will send the invitation of borrowing to the host / lender.
  17. You will also received the reference email from Rentolf.
  18. You can be back to home and browse other items.