How to prevent from Covid-19?
Enhance cleaning process is a must in every states whoever the Borrowers and the Hosts.
The Host should provide guidelines for product cleaning
Host need to provide the cleaning guildline to the borrowers because the borrowers may clean your product before use. They may not know how to clean it. For example, they may clean the product with some chemicals. However, chemicals may damage your products and item. So, please make sure you have the guildline to prevent from chemical damage.
If you don’t know what is correct way to clean your product, you should consult the professional (e.g. manufactory of the product). They may provide useful cleaning information to you.
Clean with every moment
We suggest to clean the borrowed item when you received. You can follow the clearning guildline from the Host. At the same time, before you returned the item, you should clean the item again.
For the Host, when you received the returned item, we suggest you clean the item immediately. Also, please store your item in a safety place.
Recommendations from the Government to fight the Virus
On top of that, you should visit government COVID-19 Thematic Website to view more information about current situations and regulations in Hong Kong.