Most of consumers make the analysis before purchased products. They compare the product features between different brands. And check the advantages and disadvantages of the product. Also, they review the comments from the users. They can filter out their options but cannot make the right decision of purchasing because they didn’t try the product before purchasing.

I had this situation when I chooses the Bluetooth speakers. I found some Bluetooth speakers in the internet. And filter out the Brand D and Brand M speakers. The selling price of Brand D is more than Brand M a lot, but the outlook of Brand D is more attractive. When I looked into the specifications of the speakers, I cannot understand meaning of the variables. (e.g. 103 dB 16Hz – 25kHz. 500 Watts is better than 110 dB 30Hz – 20KHz. 50 Watts?) If it is better, how’s the real sound and the listening performance of above variables?

At last, my friend suggested to try it in the retail store. This is the good idea. I visited the store and tried it. The sales specialist played the music to me and introduced the excellent performance of the bass and the treble of the music. However, I cannot distinguish clearly because the music is not my listening styles. So, I cannot make the decision.

The mattress is another example. Mattress is more personal. But we cannot sleep on mattress for few days, we don’t know it is comfortable for us. If we can spend a little to rent the mattress for few days, I think it is valuable.

Let us pre calculate if we put the mattress on the rental platform. We assume the promotion price is HK$58,000. Delivery and return cost is HK$2,000. And the cleaning fee is HK$500. If consumer rent the mattress 1 week, how’s the platform charges?

Security Deposit: HK$58,000

Rental Fee: HK$500 / Week

Rentolf Platform Cost:

Charges of Rental Fee: HK$500 x 20% = HK$100

Charges of Delivery Cost: HK$2,000 x 20%  = HK$400

Charges of Security Deposit: HK$58,000 x 20% = HK$11,600 (Ignore this charges if you cannot claim the deposit)

The total charges is only HK$500.

Therefore, The mattress company spent HK$500 on the platform, potential consumer can rent the mattress for product trial. Of cause, if you make it more attraction, you can eliminate the delivery cost. You put your items or products on the Rentolf platform and let consumer to rent your item. After product trial, convert your potential consumer to real customer.